As Lord Bassington-Bassingtons immediate forebear (or should that be forehound?), Phineas Bassington-Bassington, Duke of Snodbury, was wont to say when he was still with us back in the 1980s:
"With your Charleston and your zoot suits and your Chaplin pictures, you kids today don't know what you're missing out on! Now, back in my day..."
Yes, like the rest of the Bassington-Bassingtons he wasn't very good at keeping up with the times. But he was, of course, right, as grumpy old males usually are, and in his spirit, here's a look back at the times when real entertainment could still be had.
We here at the Chronicles are of the opinion that it's high time for a revival of this lost art form, and wonder if that most excellent of current musical entertainers, Mr. B, Gentleman Rhymer, could be the man for the job.
Faouzi Skali, Corbin, and C.G.Jung
2 days ago
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