Web wizard Mr. Baetylous has been hard at work, and the web pages of Café Grössenwahn can now be unleashed upon the public in time for the coming Saturday, when the next gathering of the Norwegian Society for Megalomania will take place. Lord Bassington-Bassington is rather pleased with how the web pages turned out, and we in the staff here at Bassington Manor choose to ignore his complaints (such as the pictures only being of creatures with ears much too short to be acceptable in polite society, and a lack of “scratch’n’sniff” features.)
We here at the Chronicles look forward to this upcoming gathering immensely, and especially to hear live performances by French neofolk buccaneer Kentin Jivek and co-founder of neofolk, Anthony Wakeford, Esq.
Visit - and enjoy - the web pages at Grossenwahn.no. And if it seems like something you'd appreciate, feel free to apply for membership.
The political disclaimers are a reflection of the sad state of affairs here in Scandinavia.
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