Being a record of the ruminations, ramblings and obsessions of a Hound of the noblest breed (or so His Lordship claims, anyway). The focus being on dark music and culture, style, spirituality and - naturally – Basset Hounds.
Welcome to the chronicles of Lord Bassington-Bassington, coming to you from Little Storping in the Swuff – a quaint place located somewhere between England’s Lake District and the outskirts of the Norwegian capital.
This is intended as a log of His explorations of music, books, films and so on. I, your humble chronicler, is merely His Lordship’s secretary.
For more information on Lord Bassington-Bassington, please confer this blog’s opening post. Contacts can be directed to
While on the subject of werewolves, it feels appopriate with a small notice about an artist that has so far eluded Lord Bassington-Bassington's keen sense of smell. This is now officially over, as His Lordship just sent off a Discogs order for the vinyl version of Chelsea Wolfe's Ἀποκάλυψις (seen above). And is considering ordering her newest record, which incidentally is released today.
Ms. Wolfe's sound, which is a bit like a Marissa Nadler (who also happens to have a new album out) with an even heavier black metal influence, is just what Lord Bassington-Bassington needs these days. The starkly gothic video doesn't hurt, either.
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