Being a record of the ruminations, ramblings and obsessions of a Hound of the noblest breed (or so His Lordship claims, anyway). The focus being on dark music and culture, style, spirituality and - naturally – Basset Hounds.
Welcome to the chronicles of Lord Bassington-Bassington, coming to you from Little Storping in the Swuff – a quaint place located somewhere between England’s Lake District and the outskirts of the Norwegian capital.
This is intended as a log of His explorations of music, books, films and so on. I, your humble chronicler, is merely His Lordship’s secretary.
For more information on Lord Bassington-Bassington, please confer this blog’s opening post. Contacts can be directed to
We've been a bit lazy with our musical updates here at the Chronicles, but thought we'd tip our readers off that Sonne Hagal have recently released some very desirable pieces of vinyl. One of these is a re-release of their album Jordansfrost, in a very stylish sleeve. The album is a very solid neofolk release, with a gallery of guests ranging from Of the Wand and the Moon, Darkwood, Lux Interna and In Gowan Ring - just to mention a few names.
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