Oskar Sørensen passed away today, after a short but incapacitating illness, and both Lord Bassington-Bassington and his Lady Mju are deeply affected by the thought that Mr. Sørensen is no longer with his loved ones.
Sadly, Lord Bassington-Bassington only had the opportunity to meet Oskar Sørensen once. But His Lordship was most impressed by the gentle temper, keen intelligence and melodic voice of this most wonderful of Basset Hounds.
In addition to all his talents, Mr. Sørensen was generous enough to open his home and heart to a family of humans, one of whom is one of Norway’s most interesting historians, Øystein Sørensen. The prolific historian was quite influenced by Oskar’s erudite insights, and in a country where most people tend to ignore the contributions of their canine companions, Oskar Sørensen was properly credited in several scholarly tomes. One of these is a volume that has had a profound effect on Lord Bassington-Bassington’s views on Norwegian nationalism. In this, Oskar Sørensen appears in the index, with a reference for page 431 (which happens to be the page the reference itself is on).
Oskar Sørensen: Rest in peace, you most gentle of Bassets.
Lord Bassington Bassington doesn’t really believe in a heaven, at least not for humans. But he is sure that the doors of Dog Heaven are wide open tonight, in eager anticipation of one of its most distinguished guests.

(Lord Bassington-Bassington's secretary being taken for a walk by Mr. Sørensen).