Thursday, 27 September 2012

Neofolk lookbook and Oktoberfest report

It's been a while since the last Neofolk lookbook, and this time Lord Bassington-Bassington thought it appropriate to have a seasonal theme to the lookbook.

And since it's still Oktoberfest (at least if, like Lord Bassington-Bassington, you're a bit late to things...) we here at the Lord Bassington-Bassington Chronicles thought it was a good idea to let Germanic superhero, Superfritz show us the proper way to enjoy the festivities.

The following pictures might be seen as a pictorial report from Superfritz' annual pilgrimage to the Erdinger Herbstfest in Bavaria. So enjoy your Oktoberfest, in true Superfritz style.


Beer and pretzels. That's two food groups sorted!

Sometimes a big, fat, round cigar is just a cigar. The same applies to guns.


Make sausages, not war.


  1. Ah. Five days in Valhalla. Five days of (culinary) Sex, Folk and Hefeweissbier.

  2. Some day, my friend, I demand to go there with you. We will also have to visit my own gastronomical Valhalla:
