Being a record of the ruminations, ramblings and obsessions of a Hound of the noblest breed (or so His Lordship claims, anyway). The focus being on dark music and culture, style, spirituality and - naturally – Basset Hounds.
Welcome to the chronicles of Lord Bassington-Bassington, coming to you from Little Storping in the Swuff – a quaint place located somewhere between England’s Lake District and the outskirts of the Norwegian capital.
This is intended as a log of His explorations of music, books, films and so on. I, your humble chronicler, is merely His Lordship’s secretary.
For more information on Lord Bassington-Bassington, please confer this blog’s opening post. Contacts can be directed to
As Lord Bassington-Bassington and Lady Mju found themselves in those parts of Oslo, a return to the house of the mysterious Sufi master was suddenly on the books.
The roses are gone, but the garden still blooms, which of course led His Lordship in a leap (or waddle) of thought from Sufism to neofolk. Typical of absent-minded bassets, really.
Well, the sight of the blooming garden led Lord Bassington-Bassington to consider the sad fate of Forseti frontman Andreas Ritter, and to remember this beautiful tribute to him by German group Sonnentau.
And as His Lordship is also a bit of a (cough) record enthusiast, here is a picture of Forseti's Windzeit vinyl box set, perhaps the ultimate neofolk release and certainly Lord Bassington-Bassington's most expensive Discogs purchase.
(Pictures stolen from the Discogs Forseti page. Yes, morals are sorely lacking in Basset hounds).
Sorry for rambling, we promise the next post will be more coherent. Possibly.
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